Sunday, December 12, 2010
Field Trip to “Juma Al Majid Center

Arabic Reading and Writing Course

Arabic looks and sounds very difficult to learn. But some Japanese ladies are taking the Challenge to learn in the intensive course. This time, the course does not teach any grammar, but only how to read and write Arabic Alphabet. Teacher, Mrs. Aisha, put a lot of effort to prepare many papers, worksheet and photos that show different sign board in Dubai. Thanks to her effort as well as students’ serious attitude, at the end of the course, all of them can read the road signals, write their own name in Arabic Alphabet.
“Basic Islamic Course”

In October 2010, some Japanese ladies have taken Basic Islamic course. This is the special course done by Japanese Language in order for them to understand more about Islam. The topic talked in the course were about History of Islam, the Way Islam spread into the different parts of the world, 5 pillars and 6 believes, and so on. All the participants were very eager to know UAE’s national religion.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Friday, November 12, 2010
“Japanese Flower Arrangement – Ikebana” Workshop

13 ladies from Dubai Airport Free Zone took Ikebana Workshop organized by Japan Center. Teacher Mrs. Fujiko is the high ranked Sogetsu Ikebana Teacher holding the courses in Dubai for more than 15 years. 13 ladies were previously given the paper to study basic Ikebana Theory, as it is a short intensive workshop. As soon as the class starts, teacher shows how to measure and cut the flower of appropriate length according to the vase. Then learn how to set the flowers in the base with appropriate angle from the surface of the table, how to arrange the color, how to fill the space in between and so on. Some of the ladies are already familiar with Japanese language and culture. So it went very smooth with complicated order of the flowers. Each took flowers back home to practice. It was a very enjoyable moment.
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Japanese Language Course
The detail are as follows:
Japanese Language Course:
Period: October 9th - Dec 25th
Timing:10am - 12 noon
Place: Boy Scout Sharjah (Bypass Road #611, near Shk.Sultan's Palace)
Location map is attached.
Fee: Dhs1200(Adult) Dhs1000(Students)
Registration : 9:30am at Boy Scout Hall or send you name and contact number to jpncenterapplication@yahoo.com
Period: October 9th - Dec 25th
Timing:10am - 12 noon
Place: Boy Scout Sharjah (Bypass Road #611, near Shk.Sultan's Palace)
Location map is attached.
Fee: Dhs1200
Registration : 9:30am at Boy Scout Hall or send your name and contact number to jpncenterapplication@yahoo.com
Both Course start with more than 4 students.
Orientation at the first class on Oct 9th at 10am.
Please join us and learn more about Japan!
Forward this mail to your friends and family members!
Registration on line:
any inquiry
We are looking forward to meeting you soon.
UAE-Japan Cultural Center is awarded
Summer Camp 2010 report & Photos

Many young people participated from all over the emirates as Dubai, Sharjah, Ajman and even from Abu Dhabi!

This lecture consisted wide range of general information of Japan such as its Geography, History, People, Society, Government system, Imperatorial system, Education, Workforce, Average age of marriage and so on.
People asked many questions according to their interests.
At 11:00am, the participants were separated into two rooms. Most of the ladies go to “Kimono”, and others go to “Shodo – Japanese Calligraphy”.
“Kimono Lecture & Demonstration”
At first, the lecturer talked about general information of Kimono, its image, history, social habit, rules and regulation of how to wear, and so on. Then teacher demonstrated on Japanese model how to wear.
After that, each participant chose “Yukata- Japanese Summer Kimono” and practiced how to wear it on herself. It is not complicated to wear Yukata, but you must know the rules. Each participants took very nice photos by her own mobile, then took back home to show her family.
“Shodo – Japanese Calligraphy”

At first, the Shodo teacher introduced each tools that are used in Shodo.
Then she demonstrated how to write Japanese letters by brush. Some easy letters for starters, some more complicated letters for challengers.
Many participants were very committed and wanted to practice more, so that class has extended hours.
After the practice, each participant chose One Special Letter to write on frame. They wrote their masterpiece and brought back home.

The lecture “Famous Tourist Spots of Japan” started at 10:00am.
The lecturer talked about many famous visiting spots of Japan with its historical and geographic background. Not only historical places but the lecture also talked about newly made-up spots like Akihabara, Shibuya, Odaiba and so on.
At 11:00am, the participants chose one demonstration class from Sushi or Shogi –Japanese Chess”

Teachers briefly explained the history of Sushi, its healthiness and how it became a typical Japanese cuisine all over the world. Many ingredience that you can wrap inside the rice were introduced. Teacher also demonstrated how to make egg-roll in the class.
At first, participants learnt how to make Sushi-rice with vinegar. Then they learnt how to make Hosomaki (small size wrapping) and Futomaki (big size wrapping).
At last, teacher made competition of “Who made the most beautiful sushi rolls”
“Shogi- Japanese Chess”

Participant and his/her partner face to face, started learning how to play “Shogi”. It is like Chess, but it has its own rules. Each Shogi piece has Kanji written on it. These kanji shows names of work or characters like “King General”, “Dragon King”, “Cassia Horse” or “Foot Soldier”. Participants carefully learnt each movement and how to win. Some participants even beat the Japanese helpers in the first class!
“Language and Game” class started at 10:00am

Teacher introduced herself in Japanese. Then participants all learnt how to introduce him/herself for the first meeting. Then the teacher taught how to count 1 to 10 in Japanese.
After some lesson of language, teacher and assistant introduced the Bingo Game. Participants were separated into many groups with different colors, then each team competed to make one straight line on Bingo. Questions were not always asking about Japan. It sometimes asked to demonstrate “Chopstick picking game”, “Badminton-style Japanese tennis”, and so on. It was a challenging and really fun game.
Finally Blue Team won and got gifts!
“Grand Lecture” by Panasonic
Lecture was done by Mr. Kato, the General Manager of Corporate Planning Department.

Its theme was “Panasonic’s Corporal Ethics and its Contribution in Middle East”. Panasonic will be celebrating its 100th anniversary after a few years. Since its establishment in 1917, Panasonic has been always reflecting people’s need and demand for home appliance. Its attitude never changed since its founder Kounosuke Matsushita started from the tiny factory.
After the lecture, participants tried on the brand-new 3D eyeglass and watched new TV before it goes to market. Other products were also presented and introduced in the Camp. All of the participants enjoyed seeing its new products before they go to market.
At 12:30pm, Camp finished with Closing Ceremony, and certificates were presented by the director.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Social day – July 3rd, 2010
The UAE-Japan Cultural center is organizing the final Social Day of this Academic year. This time the event will be focusing on the UAE food and culture.
We would like to extend our invitation to our friends to come and enjoy this event with us.
Date: July 3rd, 2010
Time : 4:00 pm to 6:00pm
Location: Multifunction room in The Greens, Dubai
(Detailed map will sent to participants who registered)
Fee: Adults Dhs. 30, Children Dhs. 10
Registration : by June 26th
Contact: jpncenterapplication@gmail.com
We would like our UAE participants to bring some home cooked Emirati food, Drinks or Snacks since this social day theme is "UAE food" which Japanese participants are looking forward to experience.
After the ceremony, we will have free time where both UAE and Japanese nationals can share thoughts over snacks and drinks.
Please come join the fun, together with your friends and family!
UAE-Japan Cultural Center
日時:2010年7月3日(土曜日) 午後4時から6時
場所:グリーンズ アパート:Fairways内 Multifunction room
参加料: 大人30 Dh 子供10 Dh
お申し込み・お問い合わせ先: jpncenterapplication@gmail.com

احتضنت الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة فعاليات المخيم الصيفي الذي يقيمه النادي الياباني الإماراتي للمرة الثالثة على التوالي، الذي يسعى إلى إيجاد علاقة ثقافية مشتركة بين مواطني الإمارات والجالية اليابانية، ويقام برعاية شركة “بانسونيك” وبدعم من السفارة والقنصلية اليابانيتين، ويأتي وسط إقبال متزايد وتفاعل من مختلف الفئات المشاركة .
تؤكد المواطنة ناؤوكو كيشيدا طحنون من أصل ياباني مؤسسة ومديرة النادي الإماراتي الياباني، أن فكرة إقامة النادي تبلورت لديها منذ عامين، حيث وجدت أنه من الضرورة بمكان البحث عن صيغ تساعد على التواصل والمحبة بين أبناء الإمارات والجالية اليابانية، لا سيما أنه لا توجد صورة واضحة لدى شعبي البلدين عن بعضهما بعضاً .
وتضيف كيشيدا أنه ورغم قله الامكانات ظلت تلك الفكرة تراودها حتى تمكنت من تحقيق حلمها وتأسيس النادي، الذي كان مقتصراً عليها، فهي المتطوعة الوحيدة آنذاك، فيما الآن بات هناك 15 متطوعاً من الإمارات واليابان، كما أن أعداد المشاركين ضمن فعاليات النادي في ازدياد مطرد، حيث تضاعفت أعدادهم خلال أقل من عامين .
وتضيف إنه سنوياً يتم عمل مخيم صيفي يستمر لمدة ثلاثة أيام في إحدى الجهات المؤسسية أو التعليمية، حيث تم العام الماضي تنظيم مخيم في جامعة الشارقة، وهذا العام في الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة، التي وفرت مختلف العوامل والخدمات اللوجستية للمساهمة في إنجاحه .
وتوضح أن المخيم الصيفي الذي تم تنظيمه في الجامعة الأمريكية في الشارقة يتضمن باقة متنوعة من الأنشطة الموزعة على مدار ثلاثة أيام، ويستهدف طلاب الكليات والمدارس الثانوية العامة، إذ يتم في اليوم الأول إعطاء تصور عام عن اليابان، وما يتعلق بها من عادات ومظاهر أخرى كاللباس الياباني المعروف “كيمونو”، إلى جانب التدريب على كيفية كتابة الخط الياباني .
وتتابع ناؤوكو كيشيدا: في اليوم الثاني يتم تنظيم محاضرات تتمثل في شرح نبذة عن المعالم السياحية في اليابان، وأكلة “السوشي”، فضلاً عن تعليم المشاركين لعبة الشطرنج الياباني .
وفي اليوم الأخير يتم تعليم الجميع بعض الألعاب، ودروس في اللغتين العربية واليابانية، وتنظيم مسابقات ثقافية شائقة، إلى جانب محاضرة يلقيها مدير شركة “بانسونيك” تتمحور عن أهداف الشركة في الشرق الأوسط، والتكنولوجيا ثلاثية الأبعاد، مشيرة إلى أن برامج النادي متواصلة ومستمرة على مدار العام .
وفي السياق ذاته يقول الطالب أنس مالك أحد المشاركين في المخيم الصيفي، إنها المرة الأولى التي أشارك فيها في هذا المخيم، بهدف الاطلاع على ثقافات الشعوب الأخرى، وبالأخص اليابانية التي تتميز بالعديد من الأمور المختلفة الشائقة، حيث أعجبت كثيراً بالجو العام للمخيم وفقراته المفيدة، وكذلك باليابانيين، فهم متعاونون، ومنظمون، ويغلب عليهم طابع البشاشة والرحابة .
ويضيف: لفت انتباهي من خلال مشاركتي تنوع الأطعمة لديهم، واختلاف ثقافتهم، وتعرفت إلى كثير من الأمور المتعلقة بحياتهم، وبت أفكر جلياً في زيارة اليابان للتعرف أكثر إلى هذا البلد المتطور .
وتشير الطالبة كلثم يوسف: استمتعت كثيراً بهذه الفعالية، خلال ثلاثة أيام، وأنصح الجميع بانتهاز مثل هذه الأنشطة والمشاركة فيها، حيث إنه بالإمكان أن نجد العديد من الأمور الرائعة المفيدة لنتعلمها، ونطبقها في حياتنا .
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Japanese SummerCamp 2010
After the success of Summer Camp in 2008 and 2009, the UAE-Japan Cultural Center offers young people a great opportunity to glimpse Japanese Culture.
During the camp, The Center offers many different lectures and cultural demonstrations.
Lectures include “General information”, “Pop culture”, “Geography & History”, “Tourist spots”.
Last year Students particularly enjoyed the performance and demonstrations of “Calligraphy”, “Kimono” and “Sushi Cooking”. You cannot easily have such an opportunity elsewhere in UAE.
This Camp is officially supported by Japan Foundation and Japanese Consulate in Dubai.
At the end of the Camp, there is a Grand Lecture by the prominent Japanese Businessman. This year, Mr. Kato, General Manager of Corporate Planning Deptartment of Panasonic Middle East will come and stimulate your mind.
Registration starts online from May 15th. Send your name, contact number and e-mail address : jpncenterapplication@gmail.com
The maximum number for each demonstration is 30. Hurry! First person who paid for registration secures his/her seat. Take great opportunity to experience Japanese Culture in UAE.
http:// www.jp.ae
There are many Lectures and Cultural Demonstrations (in English), Games and Quiz by Japanese experienced staffs. At the end of the Camp, a grand lecture will be given by a prominent businessperson from a Japanese Enterprise.
June 17 (Thr)
10:10 ~ 11:00
Lecture (About Japan)
11:00 ~ 12:30
Japanese Calligraphy
(Demonstration & Practice)
11:00 ~ 12:30
Kimono (Demonstration & practice)
Female only – class
June 19 (Sat)
10:00 ~ 11:00
(Best Tourist Spots in Japan)
11:00 ~ 12:30
Shogi Game (Japanese traditional Chess:
how to play to win)
11:00 ~ 12:30
Sushi Cooking (Demonstration & Practice)
June 20 (Sun)
10:00 ~ 11:00
Languages and Games
11:00 ~ 12:30
Grand lecture by Mr. Kato, General Manager of Corporate Planning Dep. of Panasonic MD
12:30 ~ 13:00
Closing Ceremony
Venue: American University of Sharjah.
Registration starts May 15, 2010 online.
Fee: Dhs 300 (Dhs100/day) payment in advance. Certificates will be given for full-course participants only. You can choose either one of the demonstration on 1st and 2nd day. However prior registration must be made, as each demonstration has limited seats. Send your application to http://jp.f35.mail.yahoo.co.jp/ym/Compose?To=jpncenterapplication@gmail.com with your name and contact number. Visit our website: http://www.jp.ae/

(バスタキア地区とは・・・Bur Dubaiに位置する歴史的建造物を保護している遺産地区)
細い路地を吹き抜ける風を受けながら更に進むと、1800年代に構築されたといわれる「Old Wall of Dubai」に出会いました。この壁は当時のドバイの防御壁の一部で、2001年に発掘されたということでしたが、長くドバイを知る老人の「ここを掘って見なさい」という一言から発見されたというから驚きです。
続いて訪れた「Architectural Heritage Society(建築遺産協会)」では、建物中央に位置するCourtyard(中庭)に集まり、当時の建築物に使われた建材について、参加者はそれらのサンプルに実際に触れながら説明を受けました。インドやアフリカから運ばれてきた材木や、UAEで採掘された石こう、ナツメヤシの葉などが使われ、シンプルかつ実用的な建築の様子を伺い知ることができました。
また同じく過去の建築物を修復し、今は「Coin Museum(コイン博物館)」となった建物では、近隣各地から集められ、時代ごとに展示された大量の硬貨のコレクションを見ながらコインの歴史を学んだ他、建物の2階(当地でいう1階)に上がれば、普段我々が街中で目にしているドバイの空とはまた一味違った風景を目にすることができました。
最後には、本来一般公開していない「Architectural Heritage Department(ドバイ市庁建築遺産局)」も当局のご好意で見学させていただき、当時のCourtyardを忠実に再現した様子を見た後、上階に上がってドバイクリークの活気に溢れる景色を一望することが出来ました。参加者の皆さんはクリークを渡る爽やかな風に、1時間半に渡ったウォーキングの疲れを束の間癒されている様子でした。
ツアーの締めくくりとして、「Dar Al Nadwa(当局所有の会議場兼展示場)」に場所を移し、ドバイの歴史的建築物についてのDVDを視聴した後には、活発な質疑応答が繰り広げられました。参加者からの質問は建築のみに留まらず、「エマラティの人たちは家の中ではどんな服装をしているの?」「主食はお米ですか、パンですか?」などといった、UAE文化、生活など多岐に渡ったものとなり、皆さんのUAEの人々への関心の高さが実感されました。
Monday, May 3, 2010
Spring 2010 – Social day - 日本UAE文化センター 2010年春の活動 (ソシアルディ)

As April is the traditional blossom season in Japan, we wanted everyone to feel the blossom season in the UAE as well. It was an excellent occasion that showcased the beautiful culture of Japan and also gave a chance to share it among our Emirati guests. The hall was filled with lovely spring decoration, and guests were served sweet blossom (sakura-mochi), blossom tea (sakura-cha) and some light food.
The first item on the agenda was the closing ceremony of the Japanese language class. This time five students received their certificates. This was followed by the main event; a recital of the Japanese harp (koto). The soul stirring performance which included the famous Cherry Blossom tunes was thoroughly enjoyed by both the Japanese and the Emirati guests. Their enjoyment was added by the two lovely little girls in their Yukata (summer kimono) who accompanied the harp with their singing.
The concert was followed by a photo session. as they cheered on “Kawaii – it’s lovely!” The Emirati women truly enjoyed the special cake that was brought in from Japan, and they were all eager to know the recipe. Meanwhile, the Emirati men had a first time experience of the “Sakuracha – blossom tea” experience. All the guests had a wonderful culinary experience of the traditional Japanese delicacies.
Asako Koike
-----------------------------日本UAE文化センター 2010年春の活動 (ソシアルディ)
ウェブサイト:http://www.jp.ae/ / www.geocities.jp/japan_uaecenter/index.htm
文化センター 小池 麻子
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
New Japanese Language Course
Every Saturday at 10:00am to 12:00 at Sharjah Boy Scout (Bypass Rd #611)
Beginner Class / Intermediate Class (Minimum number of student 5)Grammer and Conversation by experinced teacher.
Fee Dhs 1200/course (Dhs 1000/course for students)
Fee will be Dhs 1000/ person if he/she joins with more than 2 sisters or brothers.
Contact Details
Naoko Kishida
Mobile No: 0556080876
Email: japan_uaecenter@yahoo.com
Map: Sharjah Scout Camp Location